Constitution and Bylaws
Guiding documents for the Association of Diocesan Liaisons Print Versions available hereConstitution
The primary purpose of this association is to help the diocesan liaison be an effective instrument for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in his/her diocese.
The Association is made up of diocesan liaisons. A liaison is anyone appointed by his/her bishop as his representative to the diocesan Charismatic Renewal. A diocese may also have associate or assistant liaison as appointed by the bishop or liaison. For the purpose of this Association, associate or assistant liaisons are treated the same as a liaison. Other titles may apply. The person must be appointed by the bishop and function in a role similar to liaison.
The authority of this Association rests with the body of liaisons, that is, the full membership. This body also elects the members of the Steering Committee.
The Steering Committee consists of six liaisons who serve for a term of three years each; two elected each year, and can be re-elected for another consecutive term. The Steering Committee annually selects its own chairperson, who makes a report at the Annual Convocation.
The Steering Committee has the responsibility to:
- Prepare for and oversee the Annual Convocation.
- Communicate with the Liaisons through the newsletter and keep an updated mailing list of liaisons. The ADL website will have a link to Chariscenter, where this list can be found.
- Make decisions as needed between Annual Convocations.
- Maintain communication and network with other existing Catholic Charismatic Renewal ministries as appropriate.
- Liaison or associate liaison from each diocese is eligible for election, as long as they would not be serving on the Steering Committee at the same time as another liaison or associate from the same diocese.
- Before the Convocation each liaison may nominate, in writing or by e-mail to the election chairperson, the names of three liaisons or associates.
- The election chairperson prepares a slate of at least six liaisons who have received the highest number of nominations and who consent to serve.
- The election shall be conducted by the Steering Committee at the Annual Business Meeting.
- Each diocese may cast one vote for two of the nominees. A liaison from the diocese needs to be present to vote.
- Sometimes a liaison who attended the Convocation has to leave before the election. That person can cast an absentee ballot before he/she leaves. This ballot only counts for the first round of voting.
- The two candidates who receive a simple majority of the votes cast are elected. Sometimes an election is needed to fill a position that has been vacated over the past year. This election will take place immediately after the first two positions have been filled following the same procedure.
- If someone is elected to fill a vacated position that person is eligible to be elected to two additional 3-year terms.
On matters on which there is a vote:
- Each diocese may cast one vote.
- The decision is made by simple majority of the votes cast.
a) Each year at the Steering Committee Meeting after elections, a Chairperson is chosen by the Steering Committee to preside over its meetings and represent the ADL to other organizations in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.
This election will take place immediately after the Convocation is finished for the day, on the day of the election of Steering Committee Members.
The current Chair calls the meeting to order and the first order of business is to elect a new Chair.
The candidates for the Chair should be members who have served for at least one year on the committee.
Each member may nominate someone for the position. Each person who accepts the nomination is excused, one at a time, for a short period of time so the members can have a discussion about the strengths and weaknesses of the individual. Outgoing members should be part of this discussion as they may bring insights into past working experience of a particular individual. Once the discussion process is finished the election takes place – only current members can vote.
A simple majority vote is required for the Chair.
b) A Vice-Chairperson is appointed by the Chairperson to assist the Chairperson or to fill in for the Chairperson when needed.
c) Treasurer: The treasurer is appointed annually by the Steering Committee. His/her duty is to handle finances and to give an annual report. The treasurer does not have to be a member of the Steering Committee. The treasurer and the chairperson of the Steering Committee will be named as agents of all ADL accounts.
d) Secretary: The secretary is appointed annually by the Steering Committee. His/ her duty is to keep adequate minutes of every annual convocation and on conference calls and other official meetings of the Steering Committee, especially in matters voted upon at the Business Meeting.
e) Election Committee Chairperson: The election chairperson is appointed annually, and the election is conducted as in Section 4.
f) Convocation Chairperson (name changed at 2014 annual meeting): The convocation chairperson is appointed annually and will coordinate the next annual conference. He/she communicates with presenters and works with the liaison in the host diocese.
- Committees can be established by the voting majority of the Body of Liaisons at any of the Annual Convocations or by the Chairperson of the Steering Committee in consultation with and with the approval of the Steering Committee.
- These committees must give a report of their activities at the Annual Convocation.
- These Committees exist for whatever term has been established, or until the Body of Liaisons decides that they should no longer exist.
- Membership on these committees is selected by the Steering Committee from those who show a willingness to serve.
Amendments to the Constitution can be made by a two-thirds vote at the Annual Business Meeting.
(updated 2019)
The Annual Convocation goals are:
1. To explore an area needing scriptural, theological and pastoral reflection, of interest to Charismatic Renewal.
2. To help the Liaison grow in his/her openness to the Spirit and to understand how to foster the Charismatic Renewal on a diocesan level.
3. To provide an opportunity for peer-to-peer interaction and ministry.
4. To be a means of exchange of pastoral experience and resources and to provide an atmosphere for mutual support and discernment.
5. The Steering Committee will determine the dates, themes, and the resources for the Annual Convocation and communicate them in a timely manner.
1. The agenda is decided by the Steering Committee.
2. Items for discussion may be submitted to the Steering Committee one month prior to the Convocation by any member of the liaison body.
3. Each diocese present at the annual business meeting is entitled to one vote.
The dues of the association are set annually by the Steering Committee.
An updated mailing list will be available through a link on the ADL website.
These bylaws can be amended by a simple majority of those voting at the annual business meeting.